Monday, December 22, 2008
Hawaiian Poinsettia in the Wild...well, kinda wild...

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hawaiian Ohia Tree...

They can bloom at almost any time throughout the year but do have heavier blooming seasons, and when the Lehua flowers are in bloom the bees just swarm! They love these flowers so much and it makes the best Honey! They also make lovely leis from the leaves & the red flowers, but my favorite is the Liko Lehua, the new keiki leaves on the young ohia are a dusty red and smooth textured, they really show up against the green green forest. And Ohias are very adaptable, In Kau (A dryer, wind swept region) the Ohias look like Bristol Cone pine, all gnarly & bent with rugged bark, in upper Puna (lush and moderate temps) they tend to be broader and taller, straight limbed trees). They are very slow growing and can be quite touchy to adverse outside elements (like lawnmowerimpactitise) but often are the first trees to become established on a lava flow and are one of the first plants period to grow on a lava field (not including lichen & such). Pretty amazing tree...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sour Hawaiian......Cucumber?

We were offered some through Freecycle and went to a new friends house to pick them, what fun! And nowhere in all the articles I read did anyone truly explain how incredibly SOUR they are! Wow!!! I am not sure what to do with them? Good flavor but they could probably peel the paint off my car! I dipped them in salt (interesting flavor combo, kinda like salt & vinegar chips at the fair), I cooked them with sugar and they jelled up pretty good, but there was more sugar than Bilimbi at that point. I also tried to make a juice and that we were able to add to a cherry cool aide, it tasted similar to strawberry lemonade.
My friend has lots & lots, so if any one has a really good "recipe" please share...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Hawaiian Keiki and Water Hyacinth Pool...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thirsty Hawaiian Doggie!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Basking Anole...

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Hawaiian Ladybug!

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Now, how did this Kayak get here?

It just looked so incongruous next to a busy street with cars, etc... (even though we are just about a block up from the Pacific Ocean/Hilo Bay) but the colors were so striking...I believe the owner works in the Blue building and stored it here for safekeeping until after work...and it was a beautiful day, perfect to get in/on/around the water!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Punaluu Honu catching a few ZZZ's

The sea turtles are always a awesome sight...I have been snorkeling and had one come up on my side and gently bump me (a little nerve wracking when you are out in the water with your face down!), I backed away (you aren't supposed to touch them or even be close to them because they can get diseases from us...) and he scooted right in front of me to start munching the algea on a rock I was in front of! Guess I was holding up the line to the salad bar! ;)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Aloha Hoyte and Joyce! Here is a Plumeria for you...

Monday, May 5, 2008
Where do Red Landscaping Cinders come from? Well, from Hawaii's red lava of course...

Monday, April 28, 2008
Beautiful Kehena Beach in East Hawaii...

I was out in Kalapana Seaview estates today taking photos of a land lot I just listed when my Broker suggested we stop by Kehena Beach...I had never been to Kehena Beach before (it is our, ahem..."clothing optional", beach in east Hawaii. Actually, almost any beach on the Big Island of Hawaii tends to be fairly "clothing optional"...) and Aunty Betty (my fellow agent) agreed we should go...so we did!
What a gorgeous little hide away! A bit of a climb down to the beach but very much worth the hike...with in 5 seconds my shoes were off (just the shoes, I swear...) and my toes were in the water, ahhh...so nice. We took all of 30 minutes to hike down and back up, but it was a fantastic refresher in the middle of the day. I love my job! No, everyday is not like this, most are 7:00 AM to after 7:00 PM on computer and phones, etc... but days like this make up for it! And I am just thankful to have a job, period!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Merrie Monarch Island Princess on Horse back...

The Lei makers art is just incredible! Hours and hours of effort for something beautiful but not durable, most leis will last for only 1-3 days! But they are so worth it while you have them...
Soon it will be May day and in Hawaii May day is Lei day and we have the lei competitions...I will post some photos of the incredible creations that get entered into the competition. Look into my Archives and you can see some from last year...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Hawaiian Cowboys!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hilo Hawaii's Merrie Monarch Parade...

The leis that the horses wear are matched by their riders leis and are beautiful beyond belief!
Over the next week or so I will be focusing on more horsey photos, as well as pics of the Hula competition at the Edith Kanakeole Stadium in downtown Hilo.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Hawaii's Thurston Lava Tube...

And this is my daughter in the same place...notice our flashlights, most important thing to take on the hike!
This end of the tube is past the "public" area, most people stop at the gate thinking they are not allowed any further. Not true, the gate is not locked and you just need closed toed shoes and flashlights to hike the rest of the way in. There is one good sized gallery that I want to go back and explore further.
The public section is a fun quick hike for most visitors, though I feel that the electric lights and such rob it of some of it's charm...I do understand why it had to be done after watching the dichotomy of people visiting the tube though...one lady even had a oxygen tank!
This hike is worth the trip, and it's especially fun to take the chain of craters road and look at all of the different pukas, Kiluea & Puueo gets all the press but over the years there has been a lot of action on this mountain and it is a good reminder to us all that this system is still alive & kickin.
Check out this link for a neat site I found when surfin around for more info on the Lava Tube Click here and then go to the "where the name came from" link. And this link has some nice photos...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Visiting Hawaii's "SAFE" lava flow...

This is some of the kids getting smarmy for the camera when we hiked out to the Lava flow...it was like a whose who of Hawaii out there that Sunday, everyone was stopping to visit with family/friends/neighbors/co-workers, etc... all we needed was cold beer & pupus to make it a right old party! Yes it was a little irreverent but there was actually a lot of awe & respect for the power of Mother Nature/Pele/God, etc...and people were watching out for each other, so that was cool.
One commenter asked if it was safe to be this close? Excellent questions with a quick answer...NO! It falls under the category of acceptable risk and that's a personal choice. People always want you to tell them that it's going to be A-ok and no one will ever get hurt...well, that's just not true. This volcano is not "TAME" or safe, or dependable, etc... we really do not know what it is going to do next, Click Here for article. And we need to keep that up most in our minds, even when we are trekking out to be amazed!
And yes, I felt a lot safer than if I were, oh, say... skydiving or something...but that's just me...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Hawaiian Lava Monster...
Monday, March 10, 2008
Volcanic eruption reaches the ocean...Hawaii flocks to see...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Hawaiian Bull?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Hawaiian Butterfly...
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Sunrise at Queen Lilli Park...

This gorgeous park is scattered with benches for sitting and contemplating, around every corner there is a "view", maybe a blooming tree, a neat statue or a memorial...and lots of different textures have been used.
The pervading sense is of peace...not to say the park is not well used! Sometimes I think 1/2 of Hilo is walking their dogs, jogging, or picnicking in the park. Even at 7:00 in the morning I had to wait to get this photo with no one in it...it's lovely to see it so enjoyed, it is so refreshing to spend just a few minutes remembering why you work so hard, it revitalizes you for the rest of the day!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sea Cave...

Friday, January 18, 2008
Hawaiian Pineapple...

We were discussing our up coming Pineapple crop the other day and I thought I would share a few photos with everyone...some people have never seen a pineapple on the stalk... This pineapple is in my woefully ignored Pineapple bed, I have a great plan about the rotation but it rarely happens. Theoretically every 2-3 harvest you need to pull up the old plant & replace it, at my house we just plant the tops of the pineapple we just ate and whenever the old plants make pineapples that are to small we pull them out. This one should have been pulled out probably last harvest but I love the tiny Pineapples it makes! Just enough for 1-2 people, some people like a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. I like them naked, just the way they come...the one in the photo didn't get much bigger before it ripened.
You can see the thick stalk holding it up from the parent plant which is actually just a top of the previous pineapple set into the cinder soil (we don't have much dirt here, so we use crushed lava cinders. As you can see it doesn't seem to slow them down!)

Thursday, January 10, 2008
In The Curl...

This is the view from one of my favorite beach parks located at the end of a subdivision named Hawaiian Shores in the Puna District...for some reason the weather is almost always grand in this area and you can stand right on the cliff walls over the ocean & feel the ground shake from the waves crashing onto the rocky shore below.

This is a closer view of the curl just starting to barrel, check out that reflection (maybe it is bubbles? Or maybe it is a leviathan coming up from the deep ;))
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
What A Beautiful Day!