We were discussing our up coming Pineapple crop the other day and I thought I would share a few photos with everyone...some people have never seen a pineapple on the stalk... This pineapple is in my woefully ignored Pineapple bed, I have a great plan about the rotation but it rarely happens. Theoretically every 2-3 harvest you need to pull up the old plant & replace it, at my house we just plant the tops of the pineapple we just ate and whenever the old plants make pineapples that are to small we pull them out. This one should have been pulled out probably last harvest but I love the tiny Pineapples it makes! Just enough for 1-2 people, some people like a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. I like them naked, just the way they come...the one in the photo didn't get much bigger before it ripened.
You can see the thick stalk holding it up from the parent plant which is actually just a top of the previous pineapple set into the cinder soil (we don't have much dirt here, so we use crushed lava cinders. As you can see it doesn't seem to slow them down!)

I have always wanted a Bronze statue/fountain of a pineapple for a water element in my garden or that pool I am going to finish some day...never enough time in the day for all the cool things we want to do & see...
My first visit to your blog from lovely Hilo town. The second image is exquisite. I would love to see it taken again after some rain (or spray bottle) sprinkles it. How long does it take for a pineapple like this to grow & ripen? I"ll be back ;)
ooh, that would be lovely...next pineapple I will go out after it rains. It takes any where from 1 year to 1 1/2 years (ish) to have a pineapple go from cutting in the ground to fruit on the stalk...iot can take longer or shorter but thats the average for me in Hawaii. Most of my Pineapple are the low acid white pineapple, candy sweet & juicy!
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