Merrie Monarch is over for another year... and the response waivers between relief that all of the chaos is over, TO regret that we have to wait another year to enjoy it again! On the very last day we get the PARADE! And as with all parades, the horses are the stars...and in Hawaii we have the Paniolos (Hawaii has had
Paniolos since around 1793!), so here are some photos of "Cowboys" and Cowgirls ;)) Hawaiian Style!
The leis that the horses wear are matched by their riders leis and are beautiful beyond belief!
Over the next week or so I will be focusing on more horsey photos, as well as pics of the Hula competition at the Edith Kanakeole Stadium in downtown Hilo.
Striking costume!
Yesterday's lava photos were extraordinary too. I really enjoy the variety of your pictures.
Aloha! Beautiful Hawaiian paradise photos! I've only been to Hawaii once. Fun to look through your blog snaps. Regards from EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota's Twin Cities.
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