A short while back I posted a picture of a very angry anole (type of lizzard, often mistaken for a gecko) above our "Beware of Attack Gecko" sign on my front porch...well, one of the kittens (also posted about earlier) came out on the loosing end of this anole! The anole literally has a hold of the kittens ear! Apparently the kitten went after the anole and he fought back, latching onto her ear and refusing to let go!
I didn't know which one to feel sorrier for! The anole was of course just terrified and the kitten was so confused when it could not get "that thing" off its head! You can tell how torgued she is. I had to snap a picture to share (I have never seen anything like this before!), then I pried the little guys jaws apart to remove the kittens ear...he sure had a death grip, it didn't break the skin but definitely left a imprint and a impression, the kitten has yet to go after another one (that I know of). And of course we relocated the "Killer Anole" (who appeared to be in perfect health) to a farther portion of the yard, hopefully they will not meet again...though I could see a vendetta coming on...kinda like Captain Ahab and the White Whale!
oh! i saw your photo on the portal and I thougth "what a cute cat" but now iI would say oh my, poor little cat!
She's so cute. Poor li'l cat.
Nice photo.
Some lessons are harder to learn. This is one of those that is never forgotten.
I liked your photograph for the kind of problem we all encounter at times.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
I love that taking a picture was a priority here! That kitten is too cute, but I would have run for the camera before getting rid of the anole, too!
Mahalo everyone, I hope this photo made you smile...
This kitten has intrigue issues...everything intrigues her! She is constantly into something or other...if there is trouble brewing you can be assured that she is most likely the ring leader...but she is cute, smart and cuddly...what more can you ask for?
Love the labels below the picture. It's an amusing story, and really lovely looking animals!!
HAHAHAHA! What a funny photo!!!
Awwww, hahah. We have lizards down here in Miami, but I have never seen one chewing on a cat before!
Oh, poor kitty! I'll bet she did learn her lesson. I just posted a link to your post because it came up when I was searching for information about fighting anole lizards. We just watched a pair fighting on our house (in Mississippi). It was quite a sight. You can see my photo, herem if you're interested:
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