This fire engine red Anthurium is living in my side yard...I chose it for my "Week In Red" theme because of the intensity and contrast...it is peeking out at us from its shady little nook in the ferns.
Anthuriums have a incredible variety of sizes, colors and variegation's; white with hints of pink, purple, peach or green...thru all of the reds and oranges (including peaches, etc...) to a purple so dark it almost looks black. From solid colors like this one to speckled, splashed and striped, and some have different colored portions at the top of each heart lobe...they look like Mickey Mouse ears...and then the stamens can be wild! (long nose looking thingy (thingy is a technical term, lol;), Some stamens are the same color as the flower petals, some are all white, some are partially yellow and white, often they will be part red and white, and a select variety has Corkscrew stamens! They twist like a pigs tail! Very cool plants! Check out a sampling here.
A week of "reds" sounds good to me. This anthurium almost looks artificial--it's perfect!
My mom loved anthuriums (or is it anthuria?) As a kid, I found it a little obsene. In my defense, I was a kid then. :-)
In your defense, they are a little obscene...but fascinating ;)
they are such a beautiful and unusual plant. My sister sent some to me when she was stationed in Hawaii.
I love these flowers and I can kill one of these plants so fast it will make your head spin! Damn the devil!
Move to Hawaii Poody, you can't kill nuthin here! Especially on the east side of the Big Island, these guys are basically growing wild...ok I weed & feed every once in a while but I definately don't baby them.
LavenderLady~I sent some to my mother a couple of years ago (she lives in Colorado), she thanked me for the unusual "black" flowers? Come to find out the freight company had left the box on her front porch and she found them a number of hours later...of course this was two days before Christmas in the Rocky mountains and they left them in the snow even though the box basically shouted "TROPICAL FLOWERS! DO NOT STORE BELOW 60 DEGREES! FRAGILE! PERISHABLE!" I haven't had the heart to send any since...
HAHAHA!! What a great story!!
I hope you sent your mother something else that doesn't need warm weather to replace the dead flowers.
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