Hilo has been going through a serious heat wave recently...we have been hitting at least 87 degrees! (for Hilo that's a heat wave! Humidity at 66%, really its not bad at all), and we have received less rain than usual so all of those sun loving plants are blooming like mad. Of course my moisture and shade lovers are quite depressed..but they had their day in the um...shade? And can wait patiently for the rains to come back... mean while we will enjoy the bright showy blooms...
It is an amazing color. So vibrant.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
Glad to see your up and running again...the colors from your place in the sun are awesome...wish I were there!
never saw a purple bougainvilleas beofre i only seein pinkish/red here.
I am always amazed at the variety of colors these flowers come in; purple, pink, fushia, white, gold, etc...on the west side of the island they grow really well as it is very warm & sunny (& dry!)so you can drive down roads that are like a tunnel of Bougainvilleas with them blooming on both sides...a true riot of colors!
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