Puakenikeni translates into 10 cent flower, referring when, back in the day, the lei stringers in Honolulu would sell a string of 100 Puakenikeni blooms for 10 cents! Boy, those where the days! At least if you where buying cheap leis, can you imagine trying to make a living of 10 cent leis?
It is one of the few leis that has three separate lives...it always smells wonderful but on the first day it is alabaster white, by the second day it a soft buttery yellow and the third day it is a strong creamy orange. All forms are beautiful, but it is nice to know what the changes are so you can coordinate with your out fit!
You may enjoy a visit to Plant Creations Nursery site, really great resource!
This is really quite lovely! For a treat about Hawai'i, visit my blog and be surprised!
Lovely flower and nice informative narrative.
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