Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hawaiian Whales say Merry Christmas!

Is this cute or what!? I have always loved this mural (painted on the lower wall of a home on Paradise Alakai in HPP), but this year the home owners really made a cute statement! Humpback whales and dolphins are commonly seen off the coast near this home, sometimes you can even hear them sing when it's real quite at night. And this year they are helping to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gecko Brothers...

This little guy was hanging out in my conference room the other day, wonder if he thinks the "Big Gecko" will protect him? He really wanted to stay with him... we have lots & lots of geckos in Hawaii. On the Big Island there are two primary types, we call them Kona geckos (west side and I think they are actually Madagascar day geckos?) and Hilo geckos or Blond geckos. The Kona geckos are bright green with blue, red, etc... very colorful. The Hilo geckos are like this guy, very washed out or "Blond". But... the Hilo geckos change their coloration to suit the environment, kind of like a Chameleon but not as dramatic, they also have a geometric pattern along the spine which they can darken to stand out or lighten to be unnoticeable. They usually just get lighter or darker and can range from grey to brown in hue. They are very timid by nature and love to lay eggs behind switch plate covers. The Kona geckos are much more aggressive and have been known to EAT there Hilo brethren, blech! I found two eggs on top of my bag of chicken feed the other morning and I have them in a tea cup in my window sill so they can hatch, I will try to post pictures if I catch them in the act. :))

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hilo Landmark Comes Down!

It was a fire hazard, a rat trap and termite ridden! But we will still miss it! This is the corner of Keawe Street and Mamo Street, it was the site of Ohana grill for many years as well as numerous little shops and lunch counters over the really was a mess and needed to come down before some one got hurt, but it looks kinda naked around here without it :) Not sure what the owners are going to do now, really ought to leave it as parking which downtown desperately needs.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Partridges in Hawaii?

Partridges in Hawaii? Well, least I think they are Partridges? These cute little guys hang out in the Kohala Mountain region, a area most people would not recognize as Hawaii at all :)

This shot is taken from a road in the Kohala Ranch subdivision, this is where the Partridges like to live, lovely view but windy and dryer than most of the Big Island (Except the Ocean View area of Kau)...thats whats great about the Big Island, 11 of the 13 recognized climate zones! Something for everyone!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Lovely Hawaiian Ginger...

This lovely Ginger is growing in Hawaiian Acres in the Puna district, not far from Hilo... Most people are familiar with ginger from their ginger bread or ginger snap cookies, but most varieties of ginger either can not be eaten or have little if any flavor. But they do have some spectacular blooms and striking foliage!

The drive from Keaau to Volcano is lined with patches of White Ginger, Yellow Ginger and Kahili Ginger...the aroma is fantastic! Makes for a lovely drive...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Best Jewelry Booth at the Hilo Farmers Market...Honest!

This is Kahili Hahn of the Jewelry making duo of Kahili Hahn and Mara Mayo at their open market booth this past Wednesday...Kahili and her mother Mara make some of the most exquisite jewelry I have ever seen!
Most of the items are made with precious or semi precious gems and gemstones...

Mara does the beadwork...while Kahili focuses on more "fun" pieces...

I adore the blue necklace above but I think the Green one below is my favorite...

But the center piece of this necklace just takes my breath away!

If you are interested in any of these pieces or would like to see more of their work, just drop by the Hilo Farmers market any Wednesday or Saturday, you are sure to be impressed and delighted!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Outrigger Canoe Club Quilt...

Aunty Maile helped make this quilt many years is very very cool! Every "Patch" is the design from one clubs Logo, and they where taken from each clubs cotton jerseys so the quilt is nice and soft. You can see my clubs patch, it is on the top row second from the left (the green one). It was hanging from the judges stand during our Moku O Hawaii regatta on July 18th, this regatta was the Aunty Maile Championship for which teams are the Big Island Champs. And I am very stoked because my crew won Gold in our race and helped the club bring in enough points to rank second in the regatta! Which meant we qualified for the State Championship race being held right here in Hilo Bay on August 1st! This is going to be sooo fun!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Awesome Car Show in Hilo Hawaii!

Isn't this just the smexiest car you have ever seen?

And if that doesn't make your heart beat faster, how about this one?

Or check out the snake skin interior of this one...

But this nod to the classics takes the cake!

This car show is held on the Bay front lawn in down town Hilo, right across from Hilo Bay. What a great day; tradewinds, blue sky, ocean waves, palm trees and gorgeous cars!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Orchid Lei Making in Hilo Hawaii...

Some of the Puna Canoe club wahines making orchid Leis for the 4th of July Regatta at Hilo Bay. These ladies had dozens and dozens of Orchid Leis strung soooo fast! We made the braided Ti leis the day before and I chose to do the Red Ti leaf which proceeded to ooze purpley red sap all over me, I looked like a bad scene out of "Carrie" or something.

What a fantastic day! Antique car show, Bar-b-que cook off, the outrigger canoe regatta and the awesome 4th of July festivities on top of the normal busy Saturday schedule. Followed by an awesome Puna Potluck! Lucky I live Hawaii!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Outrigger Canoe Paddling On the Big Island of Hawaii!

Isn't it gorgeous, Koa Canoes are incredibly beautiful and horribly expensive, we just don't have Koa trees big enough anymore...We sure enjoy this one!

This picture is from Saturday May 16th, I recently joined Puna Canoe Club and this was not only my first race but the first race of the season! It was held in beautiful Kona Bay and the Dolphins & Honu (Sea Turtles) came to watch! And some seemed to want to race with us as they came right in close, actually the whole pod was between the finish line and the judges booth for quite awhile...sooo cool!

This picture is of part of the club putting the canoe into the protected inlet before taking it out to the open water of Kona Bay. No the whole club isn't wahines, we have plenty kane as well (could use more though, so if you like to paddle come down to Hilo Bay Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday at 3:00-3:30 and talk to a coach!).
This was the Novice beginner womens first race ever and we came in 6th out of 12, someone said that we were about 2 seconds behind the winner! Are we ever stoked! And Saturday the 23rd is our next race! So if anyone is interested come on down to the Kona Pier about 8:00 Saturday AM and watch the races, plenty good fun!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rainbow Wahine of Hawaii.

The Merrie Monarch festival has come & gone for another year...I can't wait for next year! These performers in their colorful dresses really lit up the night for us! A huge Mahalo to everyone who makes this splendid festival possible! Not only the dancers, let us not forget the support staff that gives their all, the community members that volunteer their time and the families that have sacrificed to support everyone! Mahalo Nui Loa!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Hawaii Kitty Cat!

This is my kitty...she is so soft! As far as we can tell, she is a Siamese mix...we picked her up at the Hilo Famers Market back on 2003 from a family giving away kittens on the sidewalk. Since she is a Hawaiian Kitty she doesn't mind the rain and often comes in the house completely soaked! Because she is Siamese she can be a little, well...umm, Crazy. The kids call her "sketch" because she jumps at things that aren't there and goes all twitchy for no obvious reason. I tell them she sees with cat eyes and hears with cat ears, and while those are things we can not see or hear that doesn't mean they aren't there. That usually freaks them out for about 10 minutes... she is also the most affectionate cat ever! Loves the laps. The other day the family was watching a movie and we were all in non lap conducive positions...she stood in front of the TV and cried until one of us provided a lap, she immediately took advantage and slept the next two hours in my sons lap...and she complained loudly every time he tried to move! Oh yeah... her name is C.A.T. say it out loud as you spell it... sounds like See A Tee ;))

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pohoiki Bay Canoe Race...

We had a Canoe race down at Pohoiki Bay about a week ago, the weather was awesome (especially after weeks & weeks of rain!), and everyone was out enjoying the sunshine! The racers started showing up before 7:00 AM and by 7:45 there were canoes everywhere! All of the great colors shining in the sun, wonderful sight. I recently joined the Puna Canoe Club, great club with awesome coaches (yes I am currying favor ;)) a tough work out but very rewarding. Come join us! Or at least buy Chili Tickets (our first fundraiser for canoes, etc... repairs).
Tweet me at @alohatrevella

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hawaiian Jade... for Bernice and James...

Isn't this gorgeous? This is a Turquoise Jade vine blooming at a friends house, the color is indescribable! Turquoise, baby blue, green, purpley blue, etc... The first time I saw a Jade Lei I thought it was dyed (like they sometimes do with carnations) because the colors where just unreal. Than I saw an arch over a driveway in Kaumana Hawaii and the vine had grown over it with dozens of the 2-4 foot bloom bracks hanging down over your car as you enter the property, just beautiful! A rarer site is the Red Jade, just as striking but much harder to grow. A nursery in Orchid Land Estates Hawaii has a 20-30 foot stretch of fence line covered with the red blooming plant, wow! It is a very striking display...

This blog post is for Bernice & James...may you find all of the blooms you desire and deserve in Hawaii, Welcome!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lush & Exotic Hawaiian Ferns?

Aren't these exotic & lush looking? Can't you just imagine them growing around a cool & shady waterfall, deep in the rainforest just waiting for you to relax on their aromatic comfort? Well... you probably wouldn't want to do that if you hoped to have any carrots for your carrot cake! Yep that's what they are...not some lovely tropical fern thriving in the jungles of Hawaii, just plain old straightforward carrots growing in a raised bed in my front garden ;)) Isn't it funny how our perspective changes? Sometimes we just need to look at the same old things with new eyes to see the beauty that was always there...

Ok, enough with the musings...yes we grow carrots in Hawaii, I grow mine in raised beds about 3 feet off the ground. Having them raised so high has pros & cons, some of the cons are that my space becomes limited to containers I can purchase or build and the load bearing of normal materials (2 X 4's etc...), and I have to stay on top of the watering as they run out much quicker than plants in the actual ground. Some of the pros are that the raised bed is much more accessible (no bending to weed or harvest), the wild pigs have a harder time destroying my crops and the slugs are much easier to control. Also weeding is almost non existent & it is very easy to amend the soil & fertilize, I don't seem to loose as much of the additives now. All in all it is a success, about 70%-80% of our vegies and all of the fresh herbs are coming from my little garden, & that really helps with the grocery bill!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sun Bathing Hawaiian Anole!

This little guy was enjoying the sun on a red ti leaf near a lot I have listed in Hawaiian Acres, he didn't want to move out of his sun beam no matter what! I can appreciate that, we have all been freezing lately! It must be all of 60 degrees! Time to pull out the long underwear! (we are notorious wimps, half the people in Hawaii don't even own jackets and we end up using a beach towel or a sarong to cover up with)! If it drops to below 50 you will just find a bunch of popsicle people standing around...brrrr (do I detect a lack of sympathy?).
This photo is curtesy of Larkin Hathaway...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bait under the bridge?

The other day I was out on Coconut Island with a friend (Larkin Hathaway) and we were trying to get some great pictures of Hilo Town from across the bay (Our new web site needs a great front page!), what we got instead was pictures of these cute little fish! I have no idea what they are but the local fishermen call them "bait", they were clustered under the bridge to the island in the shallower water to either end and they must have numbered in the millions! It looked & moved just like a bait ball you see in the deeper ocean but the fish were just tiny! The first shot is from looking over the bridge rail, the white is the glare of the edge of the bridge.

It was fascinating to watch this group of fish wheel & turn in concert, I could have watched them for hours and I really really wanted to get in the water, but work was calling so we had to head in. Next time I am going in board shorts and tucking my flippers in the car!
Credit for these photos goes to Larkin Hathaway!