We saw this little guy while we were driving around Hilo the other day...and he made such a cute picture in his little red muzzle in his pretty red truck! With his little pink tongue sticking out...
Then I got to thinking, why is he muzzled? He could still bark, and it was a nice soft muzzle...but apparently there is some reason he needs a muzzle? Could he be a biter? Or is there a medical reason (Like the Elizabethan collars?).
You could tell his owner cares a lot by his behavior with the dog (the pup was actually sitting on his owners lap during the photo, you just can't see him). Maybe its a training aid?
What ever its purpose is, he sure was a energetic and engageing little guy...
Ah. We see that more and more, dogs with muzzles.
He's probably a biter - or a breed of dog that law says must be muzzled. We have that in France - certain breeds are not allowed in public without a muzzle.
However, this dog's muzzle barely allows him to pant properly or drink. Pity. He doesn't look a happy dog at all.
Actually his muzzle had a surprising amount of stretch to it...he could open his mouth to bark and seemed to be doing plenty of face licking (of his owner) whenever he got the chance...which is why I wondered about the muzzle? it really didn't seem to be doing much?
I am not aware of any laws in the US that require muzzling of certain breeds (I am woefully ill educated in that respect), but he looked like a Jack Russel (maybe mix?) to me...known for their...um...high energy levels. Great dogs though, lots of fun...my girlfriend owns three (or should i say co-habitates with three!).
hmm, maybe it limits his ability to bite? Sometimes dogs get excited and can nick people playfully. Perhaps teh owner puts it on as a precaution to limit his ability to bite.
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