Lilies in the night...sounds like a song from long ago...
This cool plant is growing in my yard over by my pineapple patch, I think it a variety of Lily? Anybody know?
It has a upright growth habit with numerous upstanding leaves radiating from a central base and the flower stalks come right up from the center about 18"-24" tall, before blooming out with 6-9 individual blossoms...they last for days-weeks on the plant and maybe two days cut in a vase. No scent at all. It has only started blooming now that we are getting more rain and cooler temperatures...
I almost pulled it out when I first bought the place! Boy am I happy now I didn't...
Hello--beautiful pictures of Hilo and etc., this picture today, 9/28,
is of an orchid. I don't know what the name is but I know it is an orchid! Thank you for your pictures! Blessings!!!
It's a creatively beautiful ornamental plant. What more can I say? It is so unusual as you photographed it. Wonderful!
Nice shot ... especially with the black background.
I've begun to see this type around Honolulu recently.
Mahalo Everyone! Its pretty much done blooming now, but at least I got pictures while it was blooming!
Aloha All! Its blooming again and I just found out what it is from Tog http://togofcoralgables.blogspot.com/
Tog saw it on Steves blog
and he said it is a
Hymenocallis caroliniana but is commonly referred to as a spider lily or a swamp lily. Wow, ya gotta love the internet! Much Mahalos!
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