Coffee Beans in my Back Yard!
Yes, thats right... These coffee beans grew in my back yard. Now I know there aren't many (Just enought for a pot of Joe), but in defense I must admit to there being only one small elderly coffee tree. I found it under the Avocado tree when we moved into the new house and this is the 1st year it has produced enough to make it worth our while to process. Nummy!
Now this is nothing compared to what the great gals at the Hilo Coffee Mill do, check out the video on the front page for a more in depth discussion of how we process coffee in Hawaii.
Oh and the cool Aloha Rock, that was hand painted by a talented friend many years ago <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
like your beans !
do you know how i can contact the "car show people" ? thank you .. steve 7/9/14
Hawaii Classic Cruisers were one of the groups that participated, here is a link to their web site :)
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