Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thirsty Hawaiian Doggie!

We saw this cute couple with there doggie out to the Lava flow the other about a well prepared couple! They even had the pups water bottle packed! Now that's considerate gets real hot out there on that hike to the ocean entry but they had it covered...we need more pet owners like them!


Anonymous said...

It looks like the lava rocks would cut the dogs feet up badly. It is nice they had water for him.

AlohaTrevella said...

It would if it was A'a lava, A'a is sharp jumbly lava and you'r is sharp as knives! The path out to see the ocean entry is on Pahoehoe lava which is smooth & ropey, it makes the most incredible sculptures and isn't sharp at all until you break it up...then it to is incredibly sharp...