Monday, August 20, 2007

Yummy Bananas...

A while back I posted a photo of a banana flower just starting to open, this one is well into its production period. There must be at least 6 hands on the tree... a hand is one bunch, I guess they are called that because of the resemblance to a persons hand.

I believe these are the Williams variety, one of my favorite varieties is the Apple Banana, they are about a third of the size and very sweet, and the Lady Finger Bananas are even tinier! But they are all tasty!


Anonymous said...

I like your explanation and also the photo. I am curious do they eat them green or wait until they turn yellow? I have seen people in some places eating green ones and I just wondered.

AlohaTrevella said...

We usually wait until they are yellow but I personally prefer mine a little bit green, usually the "green bananas" are plantains and they have to be cooked before they can be eaten...I never knew there where so many different kinds!